Joint life insurance is a form of life insurance that covers two people (or more) but only pays out its benefit once (exceptions apply…see below). Joint policies can be set up in 2 ways; joint-first-to-die (JFTD), or joint-last-to-die (JLTD) and provide for substantial cost savings compared to individual coverage costs. JFTD is a great choice […]
Group Policies and Life Insurance
Group life or health insurance is a policy that covers a group of people under one policy. These policies are normally owned by the employers and offered to employees. Enrolling in a group life insurance plan doesn’t usually involve a medical exam or a formal life insurance application and the rates tend to be pretty […]
Disability Insurance Overview
Disability insurance protects against a loss of your income due to a number of covered conditions (illnesses, accidents, injuries, etc…). Disability insurance can pay a benefit upwards of 75% of your income in the event you are unable to work. It will protect you for the length of you time you are off work and […]
What a Life Insurance Agent Does
A life insurance agent or “producer” is an individual that is licensed sell life insurance products to the public. These agents help individuals, families and businesses with identifying and implementing the most appropriate insurance solutions that is best suited for their needs. A life insurance agent must be very familiar with the vast number of […]
Toronto’s Life Insurance Industry
Protection for the People Canada’s life insurance industry has a significant impact on the well-being of the people of the Toronto area. This industry provides a range of financial products that are critical to protecting the financial future of nearly 4.5 million people living in the GTA. The industry… Provides about 3.5 million people in […]
Life Insurance and Tax
The tax laws regarding life insurance in Canada are not terribly complicated, but there are certain tax strategies that use life insurance that can be very complex. It’s always recommended to consult your certified tax professional for any tax matter. This article will discuss the basic components of taxes and life insurance and they are […]
Introducing Term Life Insurance
Term life insurance is a great way to get coverage for a specified period of time. Buying life insurance is for the protection of loved ones (or even business partners), to eliminate the risks associated with the loss of an income earner or key person. The use of “term” insurance is often recommended because the […]
Helpful Hints for Buying Life Insurance
1. Determine How Long You Need Insurance For. Term insurance is the most affordable and more widely available than permanent insurance (UL, T-100, Whole Life). As a result the prices can be pretty competitive. Insurance companies will require that you get a medical exam to assess your health and their risk to insure you. There […]